but I thought I would while I have a chance.
Yesterday was realllly long, but a lot of fun too. In the Newark airport I met
a bunch of other SASers. A lot of us were staying at the same hotel so we
planned to meet up after the flight and take the shuttle together.
The flight itself was miserable. We sat on the plane for over an hour before we
even left the gate because the plane was overweight and they had to rearrange
all of the bags. Then there were two kids behind me who screamed the entire
flight. Also, they had really smelly diapers…I think I could have dealt with
the screaming if I hadn't had to smell them. Ugh Anyway we finally got to
Halifax and went through customs and everything. We had to wait about 30
minutes for the shuttle so we all just talked and tried to remember each
other's names. They were all super nice, and I was just excited/relieved to
have met my first SASers. We got to the hotel (it was past midnight by this
point), put our bags down (they said they had to "balance their inventory" so I
got an upgraded room and it's HUGE. haha), and decided to check out downtown
Halifax. We walked around and whatnot and ended up meeting this Canadian guy.
He was really nice too and told us that we needed to get some legit "street
meat". He took us to this place (I think it was called Donair's?) and basically
they have these gyro/pizza sandwich things. It wasn't my thing but all the guys
acted like it was the best food they'd ever had. Mr. Nova Scotia (his real name
was Adam) wanted to show us the casino, but since some of the people had to
board the ship at 8am, we decided to head back to our hotels. We chatted for a
little bit, and then I went to my room. I was surprised to see the sun was
coming up! I had pretty much been up for 24 hours, and I was exhausted. I took
a quick picture of the sunrise (it was soo pretty) and then went to bed…it was
more like a nap though. Haha. It made me realize that if this was only the
first night, I'm going to need a lot of caffeine to get through this semester!
wow! i can't believe you're adventures already, and i'm so glad you made it to nova scotia! you and you're love for Canada, i'm already jealous because i haven't even visited our neighbors to the north and you're Canadian stories are telling me i need to go :) maybe i'll wait for you to come back to purdue and we'll roadtrip it up there! hope everything is going more smoothly for you today!