Semester at Sea

This semester I will be on a ship taking classes and traveling to different countries. I will visit Cadiz, SPAIN ~ Casablanca, MOROCCO ~ Takoradi, GHANA ~ Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA ~ Port Louis, MAURITIUS ~ Chennai, INDIA ~ SINGAPORE ~ Ho Chi Minh City, VIET NAM ~ Hong Kong/Shanghai, CHINA ~ Kobe/Yokohama, JAPAN ~ Honolulu/Hilo, HAWAII ~ San Diego, USA.

Email me at :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Worn.

Today has been relaxing…it’s the first day of classes but I didn’t have my first class (World Short Story) until 415. It was pretty good. A lot of people in the class are English or History majors, so I didn’t know what they were talking about half of the time. We talked a little bit about the history of short story and what is needed for something to be a story, and I think the class will be interesting.

I slept in really late today. I am in an inside cabin, so it’s pitch black when the lights are off. I never know if it’s morning or night when I wake up. Also, the time changed last night, so we lost an hour. I think we will be losing an hour on a regular basis, so it will be interesting!

The ship started rocking really bad last night, and it still seems bad today; apparently we’re headed for a hurricane. I didn’t even know there are hurricanes this far north. Ariel said that this morning in Global Studies (everyone has to take it so it’s in the union at the front of the ship…where the rocking is the worst), a bunch of people ran out during class to puke.

We had an ‘Activities Fair’ last night and I signed up for a bunch of stuff. One was like an extended family thing…they pair you and a few others with a life-long learner or a faculty member and you have dinner sometimes or do other things together. I also signed up for Students of Service, the Christian student group and the Dependent Children Program (there are like 30 kids who are the children of professors or faculty….I signed up to do arts and crafts or some other stuff with them). It seems like we will have a lot of free time, and they said we could drop any of them if it got to be too much. I’m excited for all of them though.

Tonight we hung out with some people on the pool deck. Ariel and I decided to go to Seville when we get to Spain. There are some other people we know who are going there, so it should be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to eat tapas and see the city!!

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